Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Cayman 2011 Feb. 9-16 Week 5
Wed, Feb. 9 - Coco's favourite toy to play with is a cash register with plastic coins. Some might think this means that she is destined to become a financial accountant like her parents. But I think this means that she will grow up to be a professional shopper like her Auntie Lana!
Fri, Feb.11 -It's Friday night and Rio's 4th birthday party just ended! Phew, am I tired! I feel like I just ran a marathon. A house full of 4 year olds and their families. The party was about 3 hours long and boy, did those kids have fun. We rented a bouncy castle for the backyard, which is directly where the kids ran to as soon as they came from school.
The parents and nannies had as much fun sitting inside talking and eating. 2 of the 6 classmates of Rio are filipino and all of the nannies are filipino. I felt like I was at a family party in Vancouver! Eventually, I made my way into the bouncy castle to act as the tickle monster. So much fun! Afterwards they all came in to eat, have cake, watch Rio open gifts and get their goodies from the pinata. One kid said it was the best party she had ever been to!
Mon. Feb 14 - Happy Valentine's Day! Jing and I took Coco to the South Sound community centre play group. Since it was my last time there I spent most of the time saying goodbye to all the nice mothers/nannies I had met while I've been here. Then shopping for the last time at my favourite grocery store Kirk's. Home for lunch and a quick nap.
Afterwards Monette took me to her hair salon in Camana Bay where we both got our hair cut. I love going there. Bong, the hair dresser is a really nice filipino and the salon is so pretty. He curled my hair with a straightener by curving it back and forth. So nice!
Tues Feb 15 - I decided to be a tourist today. Jing, Coco and I went downtown and walked among all the cruise ship tourists. We looked in at all the stores pretending we had never been there before. We sampled rum cake and looked at the million of tourist memorabillia that said "I've been to Cayman!"
And here are pictures of Coco trying to skip rope while we were doing our last morning of exercise.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cayman Feb 3-8 - Week 4
Feb.6 Sunday: Today, for Monette's actual birthday I cooked a breakfast for the family. I made eggs, bacon, toast, strawberries and blueberries. Me and Monette just ate a little. We had to save our appetites for the Ritz brunch buffet we were going to with Jing and her daughter Dixie. It was so good.
After walking around the hotel looking at artwork and stores, we headed back home. After all that food, I needed a long nap. When I woke up I made Jason and the girls nachos for dinner (me and Monette were still full from brunch) and we spent the rest of the night watching the Superbowl.
Feb.8, Tuesday - Today was quite an experience. Got to go to Rio's pre-kindergarten class. Fun, but exhausting. Then right after that I did my exercise class with Jing. I was starving after that so ate a big lunch at 11am. Next we went to go have smoothies, and then went to the warehouse store to buy an exercise mat for Jing's daughter Dixie. The rest of the day was pretty easy........but then night came around.
Jason was out playing hockey and Monette needed me to entertain all the girls in their room while she took an important work phone call. The kids were not happy because it's hard to include a 1and a 1/2 year old, a 4 year old and a 7 year old in one game. But I managed to do it. I became a horse and let all 3 of them pile on top of my back. What a work out! They were constantly falling off me - mostly because they became off balance, but sometimes because I felt like my back was going to break if I didn't throw them off! We were laughing hysterically the whole time. If you see me in Vancouver you will notice I will probably be walking with a cane! Oh, what an auntie will do to keep her nieces happy!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Cayman Jan 27- Feb 2 2011 - Week 3
I love this picture of Coco modelling one of the outfits I got her. She is so cute in pigtails!
Shayana got money from the tooth fairy today. When they asked my niece what she was going to do with the money she said "I'm going to save it for retirement." Have you ever heard of a 7 year old saying she's going to start saving for her retirement? Most kids would say they want to buy candy or a new toy. She definitely didn't get this trait from me!
Jason, Jing and I took Coco to her weekly gymnastics play group.
Jan 29, Saturday
Today I slept in late. The night before we went to a sports bar with Jason's hockey team. The kids had various sports to do in the morning. We did another treasure hunt. Then in the late afternoon we went to the public beach for Shayana's friend's birthday party. After more than 2 weeks here I finally made it to the beach. Unfortunately, I've already acclimatized to the weather here. It was a cold and windy day. It was about 25degrees, the coldest I've ever experienced here. I dipped my toes into the sea and felt like I was in Canada! It was way too cold to go swimming! Fortunately there was lots of other things for the kids to do at the party. There was a playground, a tug rope contest, a pinata, and dancing. I spent a lot of the party pushing kids on the swings.
After the party we got take out food from our favourite Thai restaurant and rented the Facebook movie "Social Network". Another relaxing day here in Cayman.
Jan 30, Sunday
This morning the girls played with the bubbles I gave them in their treasure hunt. After about 15 minutes the 2 older girls were ready to come in. They went to play some computer games. Little Coco however, decided that she wanted to blow bubbles til the end of time. She was so cute to watch. Somewhere along the way she decided that to get bigger bubbles she would have to shove the little wand into the bottle really quick many many times! The look of determination on her face was priceless. Thankfully after what seemed like hours she accidentally dropped it on the ground. The End! Amen!
Then the girls "helped" their dad clean the car. They came into the house totally drenched from head to toe.
After dinner we went to Haagen Daaz for some ice cream. I was too cold and too full for that dessert, but was happy just to sit with the kids.
When we got home, Shay, Rio and I put another treasure to use. We got out that huge coloured paper and made cut outs of shirts and skirts that were the actual size of Shay and Rio. Then they used markers to put designs on them. We taped them together, then put a loose string to hang around their necks. They modeled their pretty outfits for me!
Finally, we lay in bed and Shay and I had a competition on who could read/sing these storybook verses the best. Rio was the judge. The 2 of them conspired together to make sure their Auntie Lana always lost.......even with my best rapping and opera skills put to use.
It's 9pm and this auntie is ready for bed. Great day as always!
Jan.31, Monday
Went to the playgroup at the community centre. About 40 toddlers in one room playing with nannies, mothers and visiting relatives. Met another nanny from Finland who has only been here 2 weeks. I love being able to tell people all about Cayman, as if I live here....well, I practically do!
Feb.2, Tuesday
Today we were stuck in the house all day because the nanny's car was in the shop. During exercise this morning, we spent a lot of time running around the house with little Coco chasing after us on her plastic tricycle. She was having a blast and we were getting some good cardio work! After exercising in the morning I got to take a nap. That's what I do in Canada, so I was really happy to be able to do that here. I woke up nice and refreshed. I think we tired out Coco, because she napped for over 4 hours! Good thing we had no plans that day! The rest of the day was quiet, with Jing just cleaning up around the house, and me lying around watching movies on tv - I love that on this tourist island they have lots of free movie channels.
Then at night we went to the Camana Bay outdoor mall to grab dinner and help Monette pick out her birthday gift from Jason (much better to let her pick it out than have Jason surprise her). So nice to walk around.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Cayman Jan 20-26, 2011 - Week 2
Thursday, Jan 20
Coco's the sweetest toddler ever. Doesn't she look so cute in this pink outfit I bought her? such a mature model! Out of the blue she'll run up to you, give you a big kiss on the lips and then hug you tight. I'm telling you this story first, so you'll think of her with sweet thoughts.......Because this next story of her might make her seem less than perfect!
She can say a few words, but still can't communicate totally. But she is very smart! When she makes a poop in her pamper she has recently learned to take a piece of it out of her pamper and give it to her mom or to her nanny. What a genius!
Friday, Jan 21
Today, me and the nanny Jing tried to go to lunch with little Coco. We went to a little place on 7 Mile Beach called Cimboco. Coco was fine for most of the time, but did have one explosion when I dared to say "No" to her when she tried to use her fingers to take ice out of my glass. I think in the future we'll stick to restaurants that have playgrounds inside - Burger King, here we come.
I spent my Friday night reading Coco the book "Hey! Wake Up!" over and over and over again. Then later on we put on the movie Mamma Mia which the girls love to watch. I was quite entertained watching their whole family stand up and do all the dancing and singing to a lot of the show. Couldn't be more content.
Saturday, Jan 22
Slept in on Saturday morning. Then me and Monette went out to do some shopping for Jason's birthday party tomorrow - presents and food. And we went to this fabulous little cafe called Icoa. They have delicious food and a lot of out of this world priced kitchen gadgets. Who would buy a $200 egg holder? I think all that stuff is there just to stun all the eaters. Here are some pictures of the food we ordered. Yummy!
After we were done all our shopping I had a long nap. I woke up to the smell of greek food being cooked by Monette. Yummy! To work off all the food I had eaten I went to the playroom with the girls and threw the ball around with them. Happy days!
Sunday, Jan 23
I'm actually typing this in a week later, from notes I made in my notebook. We had no internet access for a while. Why? Ants got into the receiver thingamagig outside. Oh, the problems living in this Caribbean paradise!
So anyways, we celebrated Jason's birthday a week late. The girls had their various lessons in the morning, and then Jason left for his hockey game. While he was gone Monette prepared all our picnic based on the French cartoon Ratatoille (this cartoon movie I have never watched)
When Jason got home I seated him on a bench in the great room. Music started and 1 by 1 they came out modelling their new swimsuits. They all looked fantastic, but Coco stole the show. She moved more like a sumo wrestler than a super model! Then Jason opened his gift of a matching swim suit. Next Jason opened my gift to him - a grey Banana Republic shirt. But honestly, how can my gift compete with 4 cuties in swimsuits?
I woke up from my daily nap just in time to watch a little NFL. It's actually really exciting. I just wish mom was here too - she's become a real big fan of the NFL.
Monday Jan.24
Today was National Heros Day, so no work and no school. In the afternoon we went to the Turtle Farm - the one place in Cayman that I've never been to. The turtles came in all sizes - I was especially impressed with the giant ones that were 4 or 5 feet big.
There was also a big swimming park. So while Monette and Jason took the kids in the water I spread out and got my tan on. I didn't get that much of a tan, but at least I'm not so pasty white anymore.......although Monette would beg to differ.
Then we went down the street to an outdoor restaurant for dinner. The eating area extended right out into the ocean. Heavenly!
Tuesday, January 25
I've started to teach Jing some simple exercises. We'll do it every morning. Lots of cardio, some tummy exercises and working with dumbells. Maybe this will be the first time that I return to Canada not looking like a Pillsbury Dough Boy!
Wednesday, January 26
Exercised again in the morning, showing Jing a few dance moves. I know what you're thinking - Lana dancing? Okay - it's just a few steps we do in our exercise class at home. Other than those, the only other dancing I know is the chicken dance!
Later, we went back to Caymana Bay outdoor mall. While Jing took Coco to the book reading and to play in the water park I got comfortable in the air conditioned coffee house with a slushy fruit drink and my sudoku book. My idea of paradise.
I made spaghetti for dinner tonight. Thank goodness they like spaghetti because it's one of the few things I know how to cook. I'm also well known for my excellent toasting of bread abilities.
Well, I'd like to share more but American Idol is about to start....I'll post more next week.