Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I survived!

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I was way too tired to type! Yesterday me and dad had Coco the whole day. Monette only stopped by to feed the baby at lunch, at dinner, and then came home late. Coco decided to go on a hunger strike to show Monette that her mother should not leave her with people like me and my dad. Later on Monette claimed it was because the fridge they gave us to use in the hotel had half frozen the milk!
Except for not eating her milk, she was pretty good during the day. Me and Coco went shopping together, and again people had to stop and tell me what a cutie she was. Poor Papa Tony was in charge of putting her to sleep - we didn't know that she usually doesn't take naps since she sleeps through the night. She was not her usual happy self.
The problem with me writing this in the morning is that I can't really remember what happened yesterday.

This morning Papa Tony had already left for Cayman. I'm really glad that he could come and help with the baby. I don't know if I wrote this already, but I've been having a real tough time with my eyes here. But as soon as Papa Tony left we turned the air conditioning off in our room and my eye is back to normal. I'm in a much better mood now!
Monette was gone for a couple of hours this morning. After playing for a bit with Coco, I let her watch Dora the Explorer on tv - what a good babysitter Dora is!
Then after a while she started getting antsy. I can read her well. I turned off the tv, shut off the lights, and carried her in my arms. She soon fell fast asleep. We lay on the bed and both took a nap for almost an hour. I woke her up accidently - I noticed that the whole time she was sucking the sleeve of my shirt. I pulled it away and she woke up screaming! Luckily, Monette came back from her last meeting.
Now Monette, Coco and I have the rest of the day to eat out and shop! Yahoo!

I did it! I did it! I survived babysitting the munchkin! This was kind of the practice test for when I babysit her on my own in New York in October. Wish me luck!

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