What a good day. Monette and Jason left for work. Shay went to school. Nanny Jing took Rio and Coco to gymnastics and to Monette's work for lunch. I had the entire house to myself. I got to watch some tv during the day, which is a rare occurence. If the kids see me out of my room, that's the signal that I'm done resting and ready to play.
By the time the kids got home, I was well rested and ready to be a good auntie. While Rio napped, me and Shay got to spend some quality one on one time together. 2 hours of talking and giggling quietly together.

At night we did another treasure hunt. Among other little knick knacks I included a "magic" fairy face towel from the Disney store for each of them. They are about 2 inches square, but once you soak them in water they turn into a regular sized face towel with pictures of fairies.
After playing with their other new treasures they went to take a bath with their magic towels. They were in the bathtub for way over an hour - maybe even 2 hours! I sat watching them for the last little bit. Rio would soak the towel, and then squeeze the water into cups. Shay scrubbed the whole bath tub clean (I don't know how sanitary that is). They both wore the towels on their heads like hats. What they spent a lot of time doing was making me close my eyes while they wrapped their bath toys in the towels and made me guess what the gift was. I'd always guess wrong, which they loved.
Aah, another lovely day!
I love watching the kids do their treasure hunts with their Auntie Lana. So cute how they hold hands and walk/run to find the next clue. Very sweet how Shay reads the clues to little Rio, who gets soooo excited when they figure out the clue. The the girls LOVE the little surprises they find at the end of the hunt. You always pick such perfect "treasures" for the girls.