Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Vacation Schedule

During the next few months I will be traveling all over the world for different reasons. Here's my schedule so far.

  1. August 23-26: Chicago, Illinois, USA - me and my dad are going to meet my sister Monette and my baby niece Coco. Monette needs someone to babysit Coco while she's in meetings. Auntie Lana to the rescue!
  2. Sept 15-19: Cancun, Mexico - I'm going to be the maid of honour in my friend Stacey Yano's destination wedding
  3. Sept 19-Oct 4: Grand Cayman Island - visiting Monette, Jason and my nieces
  4. Oct 4-7: New York City - more babysitting Coco
  5. Oct 7-9: Seattle - more babysitting Coco
  6. Oct 13-Nov 1: Philippines with my dad to visit all my relatives - haven't been there since I was 14 years old


  1. What a great idea Lana. I guess we won't have time to get together and catch up until November heh? ;) You sure are a lucky gal! Have fun and travel safe. Rav

  2. That's some travel plan!

    Good to see it in Blog form. Will visit from time to time, see what's up :)

  3. i'm so jealous of your travel itinerary. i could use a vacation right about now!! it's getting mundane in cali...guess i'll miss you when i'm back at the end of sept/beginning oct.

    i've enjoyed the blogs though!! keep it up =)
