Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saturday - last full day

I woke up at 3:30 in the morning to find that we had no power. Our air conditioning had turned off. Good thing I like it warm. But it wasn't too bad - with the rain came some cool air. They had turned off the electricity because it was getting really stormy and they didn't want there to be any electrical accidents. The storm passed through quick and they quickly turned on the electricity.....for everyone except the houses on our street. Apparently some wires had come down so we would be without power for a quite a while.

To cool off, later that morning Raymond, Issa, Church, Dad and I went to ATC. Dad got a facial and I got another manicure. We had pizza for lunch, left dad with his friends and headed back home. To help deal with the stressful situation of having no power (you can't see this, but I'm rolling my eyes as I type this), Issa called for a lady to come to the house to give us massages. So relaxing! So spoiled!

The power came back on that evening. To all those filipinos back in Canada who told me that I didn't have to worry about black outs in the Philippines during this trip, I say "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

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